When VicMill's Natural Humate fertilisers are applied to the soil, they help balance and unite the soils biological and chemical properties, thus improving the soil's physical structure.


These high carbon analysis products are categorised as soil conditioners since Humates have never been regarded as fertilisers, this product group biologically improves the microbial population of the soil and activates the breakdown of organic matter held in the soil aggregate by oxygenating and releasing Humic acid into the soil ,put simply micro-organisms are an essential part of any fertile soil and perform many necessary and useful functions in the nutrition of plants and breaking down or decay of plant residues.

The microbial population feeds upon the organic matter in the soil , as the micro-organisms feed , complex organic materials are broken down into simple substances that can be used by the plant growing in the soil . The balance of minerals in the BIO-GRAN range is compatible with all beneficial soil life and is formulated to increase nutrient, moisture and oxygen holding capacity in the bio mass thus improving the uptake of all major and minor elements in the soil.


This range of fertilisers showcases the organic industries desire to source the most naturally derived reactive soil soluble elements and minerals without compromising product analysis to guarantee chemically free produce grown in soils cleaned of contaminates either naturally occurring as (Na) sodium forming as natural salts which can in part show the absence of (Ca) calcium compounding the effects of (H) hydrogen or agriculturally derived forms of synthetic salts associated with chemical fertilisers which carry heavy metals such as cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb) mercury (Hg) chromium(Cr) nickel (Ni) and arsenic (As) these are far more difficult to detach from the soil molecule and while given a limit for organic production can still be taken up by the plant and therefore found in produce, humates attach to the root zone and restrict the uptake of these heavy metals and in this process also protects the root zone from synthetic salts retarding nutrient distribution from the soil to the plant. Composed of high grade nitrified brown coal, potassium sulphate, varing forms of carbohydrates, calcium, sulphur as sulphate, magnesium and reactive phosphate rock with zinc and manganese in monohydrate form and boron they can be considered all round fertilisers ensuring the plant is provided with a balanced diet of essential elements, as well as providing a good source of humus which helps improve the physical structure and condition of the soil.


This range of fertilisers have been specifically formulated for soils predominately high in contaminates either naturally occurring as (Na) sodium or associated to agricultural practices which could broadly cover synthetic salts, heavy metals and (H) hydrogen, which can be prevalent in both acidic and alkaline soil (Ph) types resulting in a "constipation" of essential major and minor elements and minerals.

The analysis in this range reflects the balance of (N)nitrogen as natural organic compounds, a critical element in plant production, responsible for vigour that in turn encourage good root development, yet can easily be washed from the soil profile and humates which gives these activater fertilisers soil conditioning characteristics. This range of fertilisers also can be broken into (Ca) CALCIUM based product significantly improving poor structural qualities in sodic soils, exchanging sodium (Na) for available (Ca) calcium can improve the colloidal capacity of the clay particle thus reducing the effects of salinity on the soil while a (Mg) MAGNESIUM variant assists availability of this cation when (K) potassium levels in the soil are excessive thus fulfilling its function in the formation of chlorophyll in the plant.


This range covers the most diverse group of Humaphos fertilisers accommodating mainstream and sustainable alternative farming practices suitable for cropping, vegetables, fruit, pasture and herbs specifically formulated for Australian (Ph) soil profiles. The diversity in analysis reflects the diversity of the plants own requirement for various nutrients and every soil has its own capacity for providing these nutrients, the two cannot be separated and as importantly the nutrient requirement during the plants growth will vary therefore releasing measured amounts of (N) nitrogen, (P) phosphorus and (K) potassium while addressing deficiencies of unavailable minerals, elements and trace elements locked away in the soil profile allows for more soil changing properties reflected in this range to function efficiently while still releasing correctly measured amounts of nutrient to the plant. Growers now have a range of chemically clean Humate fertilisers that reflect the environmental and economic climate facing modern agriculture assuring produce clean of contaminates without sacrificing yield.


This range of high analysis water soluble Humate fertilisers gives the agricultural industry an alternative to synthetic blends combining more soluble forms of nitrogen and phosphorus derived from ammonium sulphate and diammonium phosphate while still utilising the slow releasing properties of organics including phosphorus in citrate soluble form, nitrogen as organic compounds, calcium as carbonates, phosphates as sulphates, potassium as sulphate as well as minor elements in monohydrate form and nitrified brown coal making these fertilisers ideally suited to fruit requiring more (N) nitrogen and (K) potassium such as oranges, lemons, peaches,bananas, pineapples and avocado, however this range shows its all round diversity on sugarcane, rice, vegetables, forage crops or as a hay booster.

The Conventional Organic program allows growers to assimilate into the sustainable agricultural market utilising the faster releasing properties of conventional fertilisers and the residual characteristics of minerals and humates.